It may still be frigid on many days, but the days are longer, the light is stronger and the promise of spring is in the air.
Killdeer Farm green life is stirring; the first Greenhouse Tomatoes
have been seeded and are large enough to be carefully grafted. Some
early herbs and flowers are just popping up in our earliest green house.
The rest of the greenhouses were thoroughly cleaned and sanitized late
in the fall and are now ready for their new guests. Seeds are ordered
and arriving, and plans for crops are coming together.
Jake, Liz,
Scott, Addie and Chris have all been busy with various vegetable, plant
and food meetings (something we do a lot of in the winter!), and still
have a few to go. Jake and Liz were honored to be invited to a "Gathering of Agrarian Elders"
at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur recently where we met for five
intensive days with twenty other long time organic farmers from all over
the country, all of whom were involved in the founding of the organic
movement over forty years ago. It was a wonderful experience, reminded
us of how far we have come in those forty years, how far we have yet to
go, and how important it is for us to grow fresh, safe, nutritious, and
delicious food for ourselves and our customers.
CSA memberships
have been coming in steadily, giving us the welcome income for this
early part of the season and reminding us of the mutually supportive
relationship we have with our customers and especially our loyal CSA
members. We are excited by the prospect of another productive year at
the farm and the stand and look forward to working hard to provide our
customers with the highest quality vegetables and plants as well as the
many other great products at our stand.
Click here to read the New York Times article on the Gathering of Agrarian Elders.